Reverse Osmosis

Parasite Removal from Drinking Water

It is not that the water is contaminated by rust or soil particles present in the water but many parasite also contaminate the water. In this blog, I will share the information about the parasite removal from drinking water.

Common Parasite in Drinking Water and Their Harms

The bacteria that can be detected in drinking water are numerous and diverse. However, germs, pathogens, and parasite are the most prevalent ones. These viruses are more likely to cause illness or even death in infants, kids, the aged, those with compromised immune systems, and others. So let's examine the most prevalent ones in drinking water in more detail, along with any potential negative impact they may have on your health.

  • Escherichia coli (E. coli)
  • Fecal Coliform
  • Giardia lamblia
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Cyclospora cayetanensis

How Pathogen Enter Drinking Water?

Parasite can enter the water through rainstorm, snowmelt, or other kinds of moisture by being swept into canals, rivers, flows, reservoirs, or fresh water. When these waters are utilized as drinking water supplies and the water is not appropriately treated, the bacteria may unintentionally be consumed. Parasite typically have a difficult time getting into municipal drinking water, perhaps because the majority of public waterways can totally shut them out. A conventional purification system draws unprocessed water from rivers or lakes, filters away the silt and other impurities, and then disinfects the water with chlorine to get rid of any remaining bacteria. And the outcome? A steady stream of bacteria-free, great-tasting water that is always clean? I guess not always.

In remote locations where the towns do not even check or supervise the water as frequently as in big cities, the poor treatment units malfunction. Pathogens may enter the service line through broken water systems and pinhole leaks, travel to your apartment's water supply, and ultimately end up in your drinking glass. After entering and passing through the water supply, viruses, bacteria, and other waterborne parasite have the potential to harm millions of individuals.

If your water supply is judged dangerous for any cause, your water supply system is supposed to let you know. A boil order would then be implemented, requiring you to boil the water for at least a minute before drinking it. The water's microbes are destroyed by boiling.

Methods for Parasite Removal

You can follow these methods or steps to for parasite removal from your drinking water.

Avoid Drinking Water Immediately

Since the water includes potentially dangerous bacteria, it is safer to refrain from using it for activities that involve consuming water, such as drinking, cleaning, cooking, blending baby milk, producing ice, cleaning vegetables, producing smoothies, and others. Aside from that, be sure to remove all of the ice. Animals should only consume boiled or bottled water. Individuals may remain to do their clothes and take showers as long as no liquid is used.

Install a Water Purification System

Parasite in water supply are eliminated by a water filtration system. These systems generally employ ozonation, reverse osmosis RO filtration, ultraviolet UV technology, or other techniques to eliminate parasite from water, guaranteeing that every tap in your home is always free of parasite. An great water filtration solution to keep Cyclospora, E. coli, and other unwelcome organisms at bay across your house is a whole house treatment strategy with a UV purifier. An ultraviolet water purification system is an add-on for the whole house water filter that can eliminate 99.99% of viruses, bacteria like E. coli, and cysts immune to chlorine like Giardia and Cryptosporidium. For individuals who utilize well water, the UV system and whole-house well water filter will work miracles.

More Methods for Parasite Removal

There is no question that chlorine is quite effective against the majority of pathogens found in different water sources. The chemical's capacity to eliminate germs, though, is influenced by its quantity and length of contact with the bacteria. With a few exceptions, chlorine can quickly eradicate the majority of waterborne pathogens under the correct conditions. Regular chlorination methods fail to kill microbes. In order to safeguard against these and other especially resistant bacteria, some water systems would need additional treatment procedures. Additionally very effective at killing aquatic germs is boiling. Since most microbes cannot live at high temperatures, it destroys disease-causing parasite in water. Nevertheless, boiling water might take a long time, particularly if your household is like the average one and drinks the appropriate quantity of water each day.

To meet the demand, you might decide to turn off the heating well before water hits the suggested boiling temperature. The last point desired is you and your household to consume boiled water that still contains the majority of the parasite.  In addition, boiling might leave bacterium behind that has a variety of other hidden risks.The cost of bottled water is significantly higher than that of employing chlorine or a water filtration device. Plastic bottles that are only used once are bad for the environment. Additionally, drinking water from bottles carries the danger of microplastic pollution. Clearly, purchasing bottled water is not worthwhile if you want to save money and maintain your health and environmental protection.


Final Thoughts About Parasite Removals

It is indeed time to have your water checked at a recognised institution now that you are informed that germs can exist in water supply without you even being aware of it. Following the testing, Aqua Hygiene will go over the findings with you and go through your best course of action for dealing with any issues with contaminated drinking water.